Wow what a great week. This Sunday I felt super chill because we didn't have to speak or sing or give a class in church. We were super sad though because we had three baptismal dates this week and 3 “Si!!! I will come to church this week,” and then none were there. We are not sure what happened yet.
We have been having some interesting problems in our house right now one of which is that our boiler exploded and burned off the eyelashes of my companion.
We have a baptism this week for Gabriel! He is super dedicated to his baptism. I know the Lord is helping him so much. He’s had some pretty awesome experiences with the spirit and his testimony is growing very quickly. I just hope he can make some really solid friendships in the church he knows a bunch but the ward NEEDS to take more interest.
I’m doing well feeling good. This week I have worked a lot harder on contacting people and talking with everyone in combis and taxis, etc. It’s working out very good. I feel super happy and lots of people have accepted to talk with us only three are from our area so we’re passing a lot of references. I feel super great in this area my companion and I have been getting along. We had intercombios with our sister trainers and they went great I learned a lot.
I love you all it’s great to hear from you all. I’m sorry I hardly ever write anyone but I just don’t have loads of time. I pray and think about you all. Yes that includes you reading this. I Love Jesus Christ and all he has done for me and working hard to help others make the difference in their lives, families and homes.
Daniel, our new convert, gave his first talk in sacrament meeting about his favorite prophet in the Book of Mormon. It was super good. I enjoy his sincere testimony. He looks you in the eye and tells what he believes and you can feel it in your soul. We invited his older brother Angel to listen to us and we have an appointment Wednesday whoo! Hna Lucila seemed pretty excited about it :)
We had a family home evening last night and went super well because we had 4 investigators come and I wanted to show a video about prophets or the Book of Mormon but my companion doesn't like to listen to me and she showed a video about defending your faith which brought everyone into the discussion of how it’s all the same God and we can be in whatever religion and have good values...which I knew would happen and that’s why I didn't want to watch that video but we still felt to spirit and I shared a scripture about the importance of families and we’re hoping little by little if they will just come to church they can see how much better it is.
Satan is everywhere now days you can’t every let him in even a little or he will destroy us, especially in the home. The home is sacred a place for peace and love we cannot permit any evil. I don’t want to sound like I’m trying to judge but I can just so plainly see how when we compromise with Satan and say oh this okay because it’s not totally bad that’s the real danger because then we begin to think like Him and our sense of moral sensitivity can become skewed...well that’s an interesting rant. I hope you all have a fabulous week.
Hermana Mleynek
Hno. Irving - Ward Mission Leader |