Monday, October 27, 2014

I Get It

Hola I hope your all doing fantastic and dealing with the everyday stresses of your mortal probation. I am pleased to inform you that me and my companion are getting along very well and I am learning to expand my heart and see things in other ways. I am so full of love and pride to be a member of my family and think about you all when I dedicate 5 minutes before prayers to do so or when something happens and I am reminded of you. I know we are all part of Our Heavenly Fathers family and we are His work and His Glory His everything and He wants us to learn and grow from this short time away from Him. I have found a lot more understanding this week from the Preach My Gospel chapter 4 about following the spirit I recommend studying it and trying to mediate on How the Holy Ghost is a part of your life. I am trying super hard to combat the trials that come but the Lord never gives us responsibilities without also giving us divine aid. 1 Nephi 3:7. I am very comforted to know and meditate in the many ways and instances that my HF has helped me understand things through the Holy Ghost. I know that He is essential in this work and the more we try to get out of the way and let him do the work the more I feel I am on clouds rather than thorns and needles walking 10 hours a day. There are a lot of hard things about the mission but it is the most rewarding experience to feel closer to and understand more about the Savior's mission. I hope we can all aspire to do as our prophet Thomas S. Monson has said and do and be a little better. I know the Lords atonement and through His enabling power this is possible. I love Him and the impact he has in the lives of others, whether I see it or not. The most exciting part of this week is that we reached the standard of lessons 41! and it’s a first for me I feel very happy and so optimistic that we can keep it up and do the will of the Lord in as much as we can do. I can’t do everything but with the Lord I know I can do enough. I know this church is true I know that my Savior lives and loves me and that the Holy Ghost guides us and our leaders they are truly inspired. Hard times are coming but I will always trust in my loving Heavenly Father that He knows what’s best for each us. Stay safe all, Note. thank you so much everyone for your letters of encouragement and the updates of life and pictures etc. they mean a lot to this missionary.
Hermana Mleynek

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